My boss has been putting my solely on late night shifts so I don't get home until after midnight. It has been like this for about a month if I'm remembering correctly and I am kicking these shifts' butts, but I have to admit that it is quite taxing, I am always tired and can't seem to get enough sleep.
In other news, I spent a few days relocating in my house from one room to another, that took quite a bit of time and energy. My mom and my aunt took a whole day to paint my room, put the carpet down again and bring all my furniture back in and set it up, I am so unbelievably grateful to them. Being able to come home after a late night shift and sleep in my finished room was incredible. In my next video I will give you all a little tour of my room, hopefully by then I will have my vanity table sanded and re-painted and my mirror and lights hung. This also means we will enjoy a new and better recording location.
This past Wednesday I had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted. For those of you that don't know me, I suffer from relatively severe anxiety and in most cases would have been absolutely freaking out about the oral surgery. Something in me has changed recently, I'm not sure why or how but it was like a switch was flipped. I had zero anxiety on the day of the oral surgery from start to finish. I was calm as could be even when they told my less than 5 minutes prior to the procedure that they would not be able to put me to sleep due to the medications I am on. I was even so bold as to keep my eyes open through most of the procedure. I've been dealing fairly well with the pain but I credit most of that to the vicodin. I will be on an all liquids diet until I heal so hopefully that will help kickstart me to get back on track with my diet, I know, maybe not the best way to get started but I figured I would take advantage of the situation. Due to the extraction, I have been out of commission the past 3 days and would be today as well if my work had been able to find someone to cover for me, but here I am, at work, swollen, and hopped up on the vicodin they prescribed me for the pain. Since I knew I would have to be in public, I decided that I would attempt to distract from my swollen cheeks by doing some killer eye makeup today. I will post the results of that below as well as pictures of the swelling from the day after surgery just for kicks.
Now onto the weight loss part of this post.
I will hopefully have some time tomorrow to record a video update but I make no promises.
A Side-By-Side Comparison Without Makeup
Before Oral Surgery Day 2
Pretty bad huh?
Front and Side Views of the Swelling With Makeup - Still Day 2
Makeup makes such a huge difference!
Day 3 - Makeup I Did For Work
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