Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Weight Loss Journey - Update

Hi everyone, if you're keeping up with this blog, you've probably noticed that I haven't done my usual Friday Weight Loss Journey video, the reason for this is that I've had to take on some extra shifts at work and just didn't have time yesterday to record and upload a video. I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow but as it stands I'm running on about 2-3 hours of sleep, currently on an 8 hour shift and am getting together with some friends tonight after work so I probably won't get much sleep tonight either, therefor tomorrow just may be a day of rest for me before I head back into work.

I attempted to record a video in my little booth at work but I only have access to the webcam on my laptop so the video quality is just awful and its a bit awkward to record while I'm on display for the world to see. I do have another WWE Makeup to post as well but don't have my Coastal Scents pallette on me to double check the colours I used, so that will also be posted in the upcoming week.

As always I appreciate you reading, have a wonderful day!

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